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Title: Telerehabilitation Compared to Center-based Pulmonary Rehabilitation for People with Chronic Respiratory Disease: Economic Analysis of a Randomized, Controlled Clinical Trial.
Austin Authors: Burge, Angela T ;Cox, Narelle S ;Holland, Anne E ;McDonald, Christine F ;Alison, Jennifer A;Wootton, Richard;Hill, Catherine J ;Zanaboni, Paolo;O'Halloran, Paul;Bondarenko, Janet;Macdonald, Heather;Barker, Kathryn;Crute, Hayley;Mellerick, Christie;Wageck, Bruna;Boursinos, Helen;Lahham, Aroub;Nichols, Amanda;Corbett, Monique;Handley, Emma;Mahal, Ajay
Affiliation: Monash University, School of Translational Medicine, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.;Institute for Breathing and Sleep, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.;Alfred Health, Physiotherapy, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.
Institute for Breathing and Sleep
Respiratory and Sleep Medicine
The University of Sydney, School of Health Sciences, Lidcombe, New South Wales, Australia.;Sydney Local Health District, Allied Health Research and Education Unit, Camperdown, New South Wales, Australia.
University Hospital of North Norway, Norwegian Centre for E-health Research, Tromso, Norway.
Austin Health, Physiotherapy, Heidelberg, Victoria, Australia.
University Hospital of North Norway, Norwegian Centre for E-health Research, Tromsø, Norway.;UiT The Arctic University of Norway, Department of Clinical Medicine, Tromso, Norway.
La Trobe University, School of Psychology and Public Health, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.
Alfred Health, Physiotherapy, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.;Monash University, School of Translational Medicine, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.
Grampians Health, Ballarat, Australia.
Western Health, Physiotherapy, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.
Wimmera Health Care Group, Physiotherapy, Horsham, Victoria, Australia.
University of Melbourne, Melbourne School of Population and Global Health, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.
Issue Date: 23-Sep-2024
Date: 2024
Publication information: Annals of the American Thoracic Society 2024-09-23
Abstract: New pulmonary rehabilitation models can improve access to this effective but underutilised treatment for people with chronic respiratory disease, however cost effectiveness has not been determined. To compare the cost effectiveness of telerehabilitation, including videoconferencing and synchronous supervision, to standard center-based pulmonary rehabilitation. Prospective economic analyses were undertaken from a societal perspective alongside a randomised controlled equivalence trial in which adults with stable chronic respiratory disease undertook an 8-week outpatient center-based program or telerehabilitation. Clinical assessment for effectiveness (Chronic Respiratory Disease Questionnaire dyspnoea domain [CRQ-D] score) was undertaken at baseline, following pulmonary rehabilitation and 12-month follow-up. Individual-level administrative and self-report healthcare cost data were collected over 12 months following the program (Australian dollars, 2020) Results: There were no between-group differences for effectiveness (CRQ-D MD -0.2 [SE 1.0], p=0.61) or total costs ($565 [5452], p=0.92) over 12 months. On the cost effectiveness plane, 97.4% of estimates fell between the equivalence margins for effectiveness. Application of a range of values for cost margin demonstrated a 95% probability that telerehabilitation was equivalent to center-based pulmonary rehabilitation when the threshold was $11,000. Results were robust to approach, sensitivity and subgroup analyses. The internal rate of return was 134% over 5 years. Program completion (regardless of model) was associated with a significant reduction in total costs in the following 12 months (β $-17,960, 95%CI -29,967 to -5952). Conclusions This study supports delivery of telerehabilitation as a cost-effective alternative model of pulmonary rehabilitation for people with chronic respiratory disease.
DOI: 10.1513/AnnalsATS.202405-549OC
ORCID: 0000-0002-6977-1028
Journal: Annals of the American Thoracic Society
PubMed URL: 39311774
ISSN: 2325-6621
Type: Journal Article
Appears in Collections:Journal articles

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