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Title: Pneumorrhachis secondary to exacerbation of asthma: A case report and literature review
Austin Authors: Zhao, Chris Zi-Fan;Poci, Nadia;Niewodowski, Daniel;Baker, Amy ;McDonald, Christine F 
Affiliation: Respiratory and Sleep Medicine
Institute for Breathing and Sleep
Department of Medicine University of Melbourne Parkville Victoria Australia
Issue Date: Nov-2023
Date: 2023
Publication information: Respirology Case Reports 2023-11; 11(11)
Abstract: Pneumorrhachis is defined by the presence of air within the spinal cord. Spontaneous pneumorrhachis secondary to exacerbation of asthma is rare, and its management is rarely discussed. We present a case of spontaneous pneumorrhachis in the context of a viral exacerbation of asthma, followed by a systematic literature review of all available cases of pneumorrhachis in asthma exacerbation. A total of 25 case studies reported pneumorrhachis in 28 asthma patients, all of whom presented with concomitant pneumomediastinum. Investigation and exclusion for other potential aetiologies of pneumorrhachis such as trauma or infection occurred to varying extents and may depend on clinical presentation and degree of suspicion. No other contributing aetiologies were demonstrated in this review, and no patients required specific intervention for pneumorrhachis. Whilst pneumorrhachis is generally benign, management should revolve around standard care of asthma exacerbation, attention to potentially life-threatening differential diagnoses, and supportive care.
DOI: 10.1002/rcr2.1228
ORCID: 0000-0002-9223-6293
Journal: Respirology Case Reports
Type: Journal Article
Subjects: asthma
epidural emphysema
Appears in Collections:Journal articles

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