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Title: Effect of intravenous fluid volume on biomarkers of endothelial glycocalyx shedding and inflammation during initial resuscitation of sepsis.
Austin Authors: Macdonald, Stephen;Bosio, Erika;Keijzers, Gerben;Burrows, Sally;Hibbs, Moira;O'Donoghue, Helen;Taylor, David McD ;Mukherjee, Ashes;Kinnear, Frances;Smart, Lisa;Ascencio-Lane, Juan-Carlos;Litton, Edward;Fraser, John;Shapiro, Nathan I;Arendts, Glenn;Fatovich, Daniel
Affiliation: Centre for Clinical Research in Emergency Medicine, Harry Perkins Institute of Medical Research, Perth, WA, Australia
Medical School, University of Western Australia, Perth, WA, Australia.
Emergency Department, Gold Coast University Hospital, Gold Coast, QLD, Australia
Research Foundation, Royal Perth Hospital, Perth, WA, Australia.
Research Centre, Royal Perth Hospital, Perth, WA, Australia.
Emergency Department, Royal Perth Hospital, Perth, WA, Australia.
Emergency Department, Armadale Health Service, Perth, WA, Australia.
Department of Medicine, University of Queensland, Brisbane, QLD, Australia.
School of Science, Health Engineering and Education, Murdoch University, Perth, WA, Australia.
Emergency Department, Royal Hobart Hospital, Hobart, TAS, Australia.
Intensive Care, Fiona Stanley Hospital, Perth, WA, Australia.
Critical Care Research Group, The Prince Charles Hospital, University of Queensland, Brisbane, QLD, Australia.
Department of Emergency Medicine, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA.
Emergency Department, Fiona Stanley Hospital, Perth, WA, Australia
Faculty of Health Sciences and Medicine, Bond University, Gold Coast, QLD, Australia
School of Medicine, Griffith University, Gold Coast, QLD, Australia
Issue Date: 17-Apr-2023
Date: 2023
Publication information: Intensive Care Medicine Experimental 2023-04-17; 11(1)
Abstract: To investigate the effect of IV fluid resuscitation on endothelial glycocalyx (EG) shedding and activation of the vascular endothelium and inflammation. A planned biomarker sub-study of the REFRESH trial in which emergency department (ED) patients) with suspected sepsis and hypotension were randomised to a restricted fluid/early vasopressor regimen or IV fluid resuscitation with later vasopressors if required (usual care). Blood samples were collected at randomisation (T0) and at 3 h (T3), 6 h (T6)- and 24 h (T24) for measurement of a range of biomarkers if EG shedding, endothelial cell activation and inflammation. Blood samples were obtained in 95 of 99 enrolled patients (46 usual care, 49 restricted fluid). Differences in the change in biomarker over time between the groups were observed for Hyaluronan (2.2-fold from T3 to T24, p = 0.03), SYN-4 (1.5-fold from T3 to T24, P = 0.01) and IL-6 (2.5-fold from T0 to T3, p = 0.03). No difference over time was observed between groups for the other biomarkers. A consistent signal across a range of biomarkers of EG shedding or of endothelial activation or inflammation was not demonstrated. This could be explained by pre-existing EG shedding or overlap between the fluid volumes administered in the two groups in this clinical trial. Trial registration Australia New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry ACTRN126160000006448 Registered 12 January 2016.
DOI: 10.1186/s40635-023-00508-4
ORCID: 0000-0001-9921-4620
Journal: Intensive Care Medicine Experimental
Start page: 21
PubMed URL: 37062769
Type: Journal Article
Subjects: Endothelial glycocalyx
Fluid therapy
Appears in Collections:Journal articles

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