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Title: Trivedi's Gynaecology
Austin Authors: Trivedi, Amarendra N;Pandey, Ashish
Affiliation: Austin Health, Heidelberg, Victoria, Australia
Monash University, Clayton, Victoria, Australia
Issue Date: 1-Aug-2017
Publisher: A N Trivedi
Description: Supported by the latest scientific information and extensive evidence, 'Trivedi’s Gynaecology' is a comprehensive reference book on gynecological conditions, designed for students and doctors alike. All told, this thirty-six chapter overview offers students over 450 multiple-choice learning aids and 170 short-answer questions with model responses. With exercises ranging in complexity from the basics required for undergraduate study to advanced questions intended for graduate students, this book is an ideal study aid that you can use throughout your medical education and career. 'Trivedi’s Gynaecology' provides detailed descriptions of diseases, medications, and so on, designed to both increase students’ knowledge and improve their examination and diagnostic skills. Dr. Trivedi covers such topics as history, differential diagnosis, and condition treatment and management, in addition to discussions of advanced treatment modalities and outcomes. This reference book will travel with students from the classroom into practice, offering quick answers alongside thorough flowcharts, tables, and the invaluable clinical advice of a gynecologist who has practiced in multiple countries and settings. No other gynecological reference book provides such at-your-fingertips resources or covers topics so completely.
ISBN: 0648085503
Type: Book
Subjects: Gynaecology
Clinical Physiology
Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Evidence-Based Medicine
Women's Health
Menstrual Disorders
Gynaecological Oncology
Sexually Transmitted Infections
Appears in Collections:Books and book chapters

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