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dc.contributor.authorChew, Sky KH-
dc.contributor.authorColville, Deb-
dc.contributor.authorCanty, Piers-
dc.contributor.authorHutchinson, Anastasia-
dc.contributor.authorWong, Alex-
dc.contributor.authorLuong, Vi-
dc.contributor.authorWong, Tien Y-
dc.contributor.authorMcDonald, Christine F-
dc.contributor.authorSavige, Judy A-
dc.identifier.citationKidney & Blood Pressure Research 2016; 41: 29-39en_US
dc.description.abstractBACKGROUND/AIMS: This study tested the hypothesis that individuals with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) have more small vessel disease and more severe disease than an age- and gender- matched hospital patient comparison group. METHODS: This was a single centre, case-control study of 151 individuals with COPD (FEV1/VC) < 0.7 recruited consecutively immediately after respiratory function tests at a Melbourne teaching hospital over a 4 month period in 2010. Controls were individuals with normal respiratory function tests recruited contemporaneously from the same centre. Retinal images were obtained with a nonmydriatic camera (KOWA or Canon CR5-45NM), deidentiifed and graded by two trained graders for microvascular retinopathy (Wong and Mitchell classification), and vessel calibre using a computer-assisted method and Knudtson's modification of the Parr-Hubbard formula. Differences in microvascular retinopathy and vessel calibre between COPD patients and the comparison group were examined using Fisher's exact test or the t test (StataCorp, Texas). RESULTS: Patients with COPD had more microvascular retinopathy (121, 80% and 76, 50%; OR 3.98, 95%CI 2.39 to 6.64) and more severe disease (42, 28% and 18, 12%; OR 2.85, 95% CI 1.55 to 5.23) than other hospital patients. COPD remained an independent determinant of microvascular retinopathy (OR 4.56, 95%CI 2.49 to 8.36) after adjusting for gender, hypertension, smoking, and diabetes duration. Retinal arterioles and venules were wider in patients with COPD than other hospital patients (mean difference +6.5 µm, 95% confidence interval 1.4 to 11.6; and +17.4 µm, 95%CI 9.4 to 25.5, respectively). Larger venules were more common in younger individuals (+0.6 µm, 0.1 to 1.17) with more cigarette exposure (+0.3 µm, 0.2 to 0.5) or a lower serum albumin (+23.0 µm, 6.0 to 40.0). Venular calibre was not different in current and former smokers (p=0.77). There were trends for venules to be larger with more severe COPD (lower FEV1/VC, p=0.09) and with CT-demonstrated emphysema (p=0.06). CONCLUSIONS: Hypertensive/microvascular disease is more common and more severe in patients with COPD. This is likely to contribute to the associated increase in cardiac risk.en_US
dc.subjectMicrovascular retinopathyen_US
dc.subjectChronic obstructive pulmonary diseaseen_US
dc.subjectCase-Control Studiesen_US
dc.subjectMiddle Ageden_US
dc.subjectPilot Projectsen_US
dc.subjectRetinal Diseasesen_US
dc.subjectRetinal Vesselsen_US
dc.subjectRisk Factorsen_US
dc.titleHypertensive/microvascular disease and COPD: a case control studyen_US
dc.typeJournal Articleen_US
dc.identifier.journaltitleKidney & Blood Pressure Researchen_US
dc.identifier.affiliationDepartment of Respiratory and Sleep Medicine, Austin Health, Heidelberg, Victoria, Australiaen_US
dc.identifier.affiliationThe University of Melbourne Department of Medicine (Northern Health), Epping, Australiaen_US
dc.identifier.affiliationSingapore Eye Research Institute, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore, Singaporeen_US
dc.type.austinJournal Articleen_US, Christine F
item.fulltextNo Fulltext-
item.openairetypeJournal Article-
item.openairecristype for Breathing and Sleep- and Sleep Medicine-
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