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Title: A novel approach to increasing inventory with the current panel: increasing donation frequency by asking for a different blood product.
Austin Authors: Bagot, Kathleen L;Masser, Barbara M;White, Katherine M
Affiliation: Public Health, the Florey Institute of Neuroscience and Mental Health, Heidelberg, Victoria, Australia
Issue Date: 5-Feb-2015
Publication information: Transfusion 2015; 55(6): 1294-302
Abstract: Ongoing shortages of blood products may be addressed through additional donations. However, donation frequency rates are typically lower than medically possible. This preliminary study aims to determine voluntary nonremunerated whole blood (WB) and plasmapheresis donors' willingness, and subsequent facilitators and barriers, to make additional donations of a different type.Forty individual telephone interviews were conducted posing two additional donation pattern scenarios: first, making a single and, second, making multiple plasmapheresis donations between WB donations. Stratified purposive sampling was conducted for four samples varying in donation experience: no-plasma, new-to-both-WB-and-plasma, new-to-plasma, and plasma donors. Interviews were analyzed yielding excellent (κ values > 0.81) inter-rater reliability.Facilitators were more endorsed than barriers for a single but not multiple plasmapheresis donation. More new-to-both donors (n = 5) were willing to make multiple plasma donations between WB donations than others (n = 1 each) and identified fewer barriers (n = 3) than those more experienced in donation (n = 8 no plasma, n = 10 new to both, n = 11 plasma). Donors in the plasma sample were concerned about the subsequent reduced time between plasma donations by adding WB donations (n = 3). The no-plasma and new-to-plasma donors were concerned about the time commitment required (n = 3).Current donors are willing to add different product donations but donation history influences their willingness to change. Early introduction of multiple donation types, variation in inventory levels, and addressing barriers will provide blood collection agencies with a novel and cost-effective inventory management strategy.
Gov't Doc #: 25652648
DOI: 10.1111/trf.12990
Journal: Transfusion
Type: Journal Article
Appears in Collections:Journal articles

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