Rekha Pai Mangalore

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Rekha Pai Mangalore
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Pai Mangalore, Rekha
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Publication YearTitleAuthor(s)
1Jul-2018Travellers visiting friends and relatives: a high-risk, under-recognised group for imported infectious diseases.Pai Mangalore, Rekha ; Johnson, Douglas F; Leder, Karin
218-Jun-2018Fulminant meningococcal sepsis due to non-groupable Neisseria meningitidis in a patient receiving eculizumab.Hall, Victoria; Pai Mangalore, Rekha ; He, Simon ; Stevens, Kerrie; Trubiano, Jason ; Holmes, Natasha E ; Howden, Benjamin P ; Kwong, Jason C 
318-Apr-2016Old but not forgotten: antibiotic allergies in general medicine (the AGM Study)Trubiano, Jason ; Pai Mangalore, Rekha ; Baey, YW; Le, D; Graudins, LV; Johnson, Douglas F; Aung, AK