Olivia Newton-John Cancer Research Institute

OrgUnit's Researchers

Results 1-5 of 36 (Search time: 0.003 seconds).

FullnameTranslated NameEmail
Afshar-Sterle, ShoukatSkoukat.AFSHAR-STERLE@austin.org.au
Allan, Laura CLaura.Allan@onjcri.org.au
Anderson, Robin Lrobyn.anderson@austin.org.au
Ayati, Narjessnarjess.ayati@austin.org.au
Barraclough, AllisonAllison.BARRACLOUGH@austin.org.au

OrgUnit's Researchers publications
(Dept/Workgroup Publication)

Results 161-180 of 931 (Search time: 0.013 seconds).

Publication YearTitleAuthor(s)
161Apr-2023Clinical characteristics of Australian treatment-naïve patients with classical Hodgkin lymphoma from the lymphoma and related diseases registry.Nguyen, James; Wellard, Cameron; Chung, Eliza; Cheah, Chan Y; Dickinson, Michael; Doo, Nicole Wong; Keane, Colm; Talaulikar, Dipti; Berkahn, Leanne; Morgan, Susan; Hamad, Nada; Cochrane, Tara; Johnston, Anna M; Forsyth, Cecily; Opat, Stephen; Barraclough, Allison ; Mutsando, Howard; Ratnasingam, Sumita; Giri, Pratyush; Wood, Erica M; McQuilten, Zoe K; Hawkes, Eliza A 
1621-May-1997Clinical promise of tumour immunology.Scott, Andrew M ; Cebon, Jonathan S 
1631-May-2014The clinical relevance of pathologic subtypes in metastatic lung adenocarcinoma.Clay, Timothy D; Do, Hongdo; Sundararajan, Vijaya; Moore, Melissa M; Conron, Matthew; Wright, Gavin M; McLachlan, Sue-Anne; Dobrovic, Alexander ; Russell, Prudence A
1641-Sep-2001Clinical role of F-18 fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography for detection and management of renal cell carcinoma.Ramdave, S; Thomas, G W; Berlangieri, Salvatore U ; Bolton, Damien M ; Davis, Ian D; Danguy, H T; Macgregor, Duncan; Scott, Andrew M 
165Mar-2021A clinical trial of non-invasive imaging with an anti-HIV antibody labelled with copper-64 in people living with HIV and uninfected controls.McMahon, James H; Zerbato, Jennifer M; Lau, Jillian S Y; Lange, Jaclyn L; Roche, Michael; Tumpach, Carolin; Dantanarayana, Ashanti; Rhodes, Ajantha; Chang, Judy; Rasmussen, Thomas A; Mackenzie, Charlene A; Alt, Karen; Hagenauer, Michelle; Roney, Janine; O'Bryan, Jessica; Carey, Alexandra; McIntyre, Richard; Beech, Paul; O'Keefe, Graeme J; Wichmann, Christian W; Scott, Fiona E; Guo, Nancy; Lee, Sze Ting ; Liu, Zhanqi; Caskey, Marina; Nussenzweig, Michel C; Donnelly, Paul S; Egan, Gary; Hagemeyer, Christoph E; Scott, Andrew M ; Lewin, Sharon R
1666-Dec-2023Clinical Trial Protocol for PRIMARY2: A Multicentre, Phase 3, Randomised Controlled Trial Investigating the Additive Diagnostic Value of [68Ga]Ga-PSMA-11 Positron Emission Tomography/Computed Tomography in Men with Negative or Equivocal Multiparametric Magnetic Resonance Imaging for the Diagnosis of Clinically Significant Prostate Cancer.Buteau, James P; Moon, Daniel; Fahey, Michael T; Roberts, Matthew J; Thompson, James; Murphy, Declan G; Papa, Nathan; Mitchell, Catherine; De Abreu Lourenco, Richard; Dhillon, Haryana M; Kasivisvanathan, Veeru; Francis, Roslyn J; Stricker, Phillip; Agrawal, Shihka; O'Brien, Jonathan; McVey, Aoife ; Sharma, Gaurav; Levy, Sidney; Ayati, Narjess ; Nguyen, Andrew; Lee, Su-Faye; Pattison, David A; Sivaratnam, Dinesh; Frydenberg, Mark; Du, Yang; Titus, Jehan; Lee, Sze Ting ; Ischia, Joseph J ; Jack, Greg; Hofman, Michael S; Emmett, Louise
167Mar-2016Clinicopathological characteristics associated with BRAF(K601E) and BRAF(L597) mutations in melanoma.Voskoboynik, Mark; Mar, Victoria; Mailer, Sonia; Colebatch, Andrew; Fennessy, Anne; Logan, Aleksandra; Hewitt, Chelsee; Cebon, Jonathan S ; Kelly, John; McArthur, Grant
16811-Oct-2016Clustered somatic mutations are frequent in transcription factor binding motifs within proximal promoter regions in melanoma and other cutaneous malignancies.Colebatch, Andrew J; Di Stefano, Leon; Wong, Stephen Q; Hannan, Ross D; Waring, Paul M; Dobrovic, Alexander ; McArthur, Grant A; Papenfuss, Anthony T
1692017CMTM6 maintains the expression of PD-L1 and regulates anti-tumour immunity.Burr, Marian L; Sparbier, Christina E; Chan, Yih-Chih; Williamson, James C; Woods, Katherine; Beavis, Paul A; Lam, Enid Y N; Henderson, Melissa A; Bell, Charles C; Stolzenburg, Sabine; Gilan, Omer; Bloor, Stuart; Noori, Tahereh; Morgens, David W; Bassik, Michael C; Neeson, Paul J; Behren, Andreas; Darcy, Phillip K; Dawson, Sarah-Jane; Voskoboinik, Ilia; Trapani, Joseph A; Cebon, Jonathan S ; Lehner, Paul J; Dawson, Mark A
17011-Mar-2021Co-Operativity between MYC and BCL-2 Pro-Survival Proteins in Cancer.Fairlie, Walter Douglas ; Lee, Erinna F
171Jan-2016Colorectal cancer atlas: an integrative resource for genomic and proteomic annotations from colorectal cancer cell lines and tissuesChisanga, David; Keerthikumar, Shivakumar; Pathan, Mohashin; Ariyaratne, Dinuka; Kalra, Hina; Boukouris, Stephanie; Abraham Mathew, Nidhi; Al Saffar, Haidar; Gangoda, Lahiru; Ang, Ching-Seng; Sieber, Oliver M; Mariadason, John M ; Dasgupta, Ramanuj; Chilamkurti, Naveen; Mathivanan, Suresh
17222-Apr-2014Colorectal cancer cell lines are representative models of the main molecular subtypes of primary cancer.Mouradov, Dmitri; Sloggett, Clare; Jorissen, Robert N; Love, Christopher G; Li, Shan; Burgess, Antony W; Arango, Diego; Strausberg, Robert L; Buchanan, Daniel; Wormald, Samuel; O'Connor, Liam; Wilding, Jennifer L; Bicknell, David; Tomlinson, Ian P M; Bodmer, Walter F; Mariadason, John M ; Sieber, Oliver M
173Oct-2021Colorimetric histology using plasmonically active microscope slides.Balaur, Eugeniu; O' Toole, Sandra; Spurling, Alex J; Mann, G Bruce; Yeo, Belinda ; Harvey, Kate; Sadatnajafi, Catherine; Hanssen, Eric; Orian, Jacqueline; Nugent, Keith A; Parker, Belinda S; Abbey, Brian
17412-Apr-2021Combination immunotherapy with ipilimumab and nivolumab in patients with advanced adrenocortical carcinoma: a subgroup analysis of CA209-538.Klein, Oliver ; Senko, Clare ; Carlino, Matteo S; Markman, Ben; Jackett, Louise A ; Gao, Bo; Lum, Caroline; Kee, Damien ; Behren, Andreas; Palmer, Jodie ; Cebon, Jonathan S 
175Nov-2021Combination immunotherapy with nivolumab and ipilimumab in patients with rare gynecological malignancies: results of the CA209-538 clinical trial.Klein, Oliver ; Kee, Damien ; Gao, Bo; Markman, Ben; da Gama Duarte, Jessica; Quigley, Luke; Jackett, Louise A ; Linklater, Richelle; Strickland, Andrew; Scott, Clare; Mileshkin, Linda; Palmer, Jodie ; Carlino, Matteo; Behren, Andreas; Cebon, Jonathan S 
176Nov-2017Combination Osimertinib and Gefitinib in C797S and T790M EGFR-Mutated Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer.Arulananda, Surein; Do, Hongdo; Musafer, Ashan; Mitchell, Paul L R ; Dobrovic, Alexander ; John, Thomas 
1776-Oct-2014Combined BRAF (Dabrafenib) and MEK inhibition (Trametinib) in patients with BRAFV600-mutant melanoma experiencing progression with single-agent BRAF inhibitor.Johnson, Douglas B; Flaherty, Keith T; Weber, Jeffrey S; Infante, Jeffrey R; Kim, Kevin B; Kefford, Richard F; Hamid, Omid; Schuchter, Lynn; Cebon, Jonathan S ; Sharfman, William H; McWilliams, Robert R; Sznol, Mario; Lawrence, Donald P; Gibney, Geoffrey T; Burris, Howard A; Falchook, Gerald S; Algazi, Alain; Lewis, Karl; Long, Georgina V; Patel, Kiran; Ibrahim, Nageatte; Sun, Peng; Little, Shonda; Cunningham, Elizabeth; Sosman, Jeffrey A; Daud, Adil; Gonzalez, Rene
178Feb-2022Combined Treatment with a WNT Inhibitor and the NSAID Sulindac Reduces Colon Adenoma Burden in Mice with Truncated APC.Faux, Maree C; Weinstock, Janet; Gogos, Sophia; Prato, Emma; Azimpour, Alexander I; O'Keefe, Ryan; Cathcart-King, Yasmin; Garnham, Alexandra L; Ernst, Matthias ; Preaudet, Adele; Christie, Michael; Putoczki, Tracy L; Buchert, Michael ; Burgess, Antony W
1795-Apr-2019Combined tumor sequencing and case/control analyses of RAD51C in breast cancer.Li, Na; McInerny, Simone; Zethoven, Magnus; Cheasley, Dane; Lim, Belle W X; Rowley, Simone M; Devereux, Lisa; Grewal, Norah; Ahmadloo, Somayeh; Byrne, David; Lee, Jue Er Amanda; Li, Jason; Fox, Stephen B; John, Thomas ; Antill, Yoland; Gorringe, Kylie L; James, Paul A; Campbell, Ian G
18018-Apr-2023COMMD3 loss drives invasive breast cancer growth by modulating copper homeostasis.Hancock, Janelle L; Kalimutho, Murugan; Straube, Jasmin; Lim, Malcolm; Gresshoff, Irma; Saunus, Jodi M; Lee, Jason S; Lakhani, Sunil R; Simpson, Kaylene J; Bush, Ashley I; Anderson, Robin L ; Khanna, Kum Kum