Browsing by Author Dunstan, David W

Showing results 1 to 2 of 2
Publication YearTitleAuthor(s)
Jun-2017Breaking up sitting time after stroke (BUST-Stroke)Janssen, Heidi; Dunstan, David W; Bernhardt, Julie; Walker, Frederick R; Patterson, Amanda; Callister, Robin; Dunn, Ashlee; Spratt, Neil J; English, Coralie
Oct-2022Psychological-health correlates of physical activity and sedentary behaviour during the COVID pandemic.Ringin, Elysha; Meyer, Denny; Neill, Erica; Phillipou, Andrea ; Tan, Eric J; Toh, Wei Lin; Sumner, Philip J; Owen, Neville; Hallgren, Mats; Dunstan, David W; Rossell, Susan L; Van Rheenen, Tamsyn E