Browsing by Author Mansour, Kayla A

Showing results 1 to 2 of 2
Publication YearTitleAuthor(s)
6-Jul-2023Father trait anger and associations with father-infant bonding and caregiving: The mediating role of mentalizing.Francis, Lauren M; Greenwood, Christopher J; Enticott, Peter G; Mansour, Kayla A; Smith, Imogene; Graeme, Liam G; Olsson, Craig A; Milgrom, Jeannette ; Skouteris, Helen; Macdonald, Jacqui A
2023Father trait anger: Associations with father-infant bonding and subsequent parenting stress.Francis, Lauren M; Youssef, George J; Greenwood, Christopher J; Enticott, Peter G; Curtis, Ashlee; Graeme, Liam G; Mansour, Kayla A; Olsson, Craig A; Skouteris, Helen; Milgrom, Jeannette ; Williams, Joanne; Knight, Tess; Macdonald, Jacqui A